Its Simple!
Its easy to register for an account on our website – just click here. If you need help use the form at the bottom of this page.
Why register?
You’re a Marshall Grange member
No need to register! We create an account for each Marshall Grange member that has an email address. If you’ve forgotten your password just go to the login page and click the “Lost your password?” link. If you’re a member and that still doesn’t work then please let us know! Use the form below and we’ll get it fixed.
You’d like to rent the Hall
When you register on this site you’re able to manage all of your events right here! You can update event information, use our booking feature and even track reservations.
We’re a small group of volunteers so when you manage your own event online it makes it easier for us too. Learn more about renting the hall and creating events here.
Need help?
If you need help or if you’d prefer to rent the hall without registering for an account just give us as much information as possible using the form below.