Supporting Marshall Grange
Marshall Grange is 100% volunteer powered! We’re completely funded by hall rentals, event income, and donations. This income stays with the hall and allows us to pay for everything from the Marshall Grange Scholarship and performers at our events, to the utilities and the roofer!
Everyone in the Georgetown Divide and beyond support the building each time you attend an event (and buy a slice of pie!) or rent the hall for your own events – THANKS!
Some volunteers from the community help at events and work parties. They show up early to setup and stay late to put it all away again. Whether they help a bit once or help a lot often these are the folks making it happen – THANKS!
Other community volunteers who are Grange Affiliate or Family members meet monthly to discuss Marshall Grange business, vote on officers, direct funds, and organize events – THANKS!
For generations that’s how it’s been. Everyone doing what they can to keep this wonderful resource, Marshall Grange, available for use.
Interested in being a Granger?
You can show your support for the Grange by becoming a Grange member. There are levels of Grange membership ranging from Junior to Affiliate and if you’d like know more just come to any of our regular business meetings and ask!
Though Affiliate or Family membership is required to hold office or vote on Marshall Grange matters, we do not add any local membership fee to the cost of the annual membership dues. While proceeds from events, rentals, and donations are retained by Marshall Grange, 100% of membership dues are forwarded to the California State Grange and National Grange. These dues support the advancement of agriculture and improvement of rural life through education programs.
Grange Membership Levels
Fraternal / Affiliate Member
Affiliate Member is a person, who hold Regular Membership in another Subordinate / Community Grange and may be proposed as a candidate and be elected to membership in this Grange.
Fraternal Member Responsibilities
Applicants for a Fraternal or Family membership must attend two business meetings before being considered for (voted upon) for membership in the Grange.
All Fraternal and Family members must attend at least one meeting per quarter to remain in good standing. Those who do not will have their membership status changed to Associate Member.
Affiliate members have voting rights. Annual membership dues are $30.
Family Membership
A family whose members are fourteen years of age (thirteen years and six months or more) with an interest in the purposes of the Order may be proposed as candidates and elected to membership in this Grange.
Family member responsibilities are the same as an Affiliate member.
Family members have voting rights. Annual membership dues are $60.
Junior 1 Plus (1+) Members
Junior members do not vote.
Associate Members
A person or business with an interest in the advancement of agriculture and improvement of rural life may become an Associate Member.
Associate members do not vote.